Monday, June 22, 2009


Three days ago I noticed a bug bite on my left lower arm. I didn't think anything of it. Yesterday it was super itchy. Today I woke up with a fever and the bug bite was much bigger. I went to work and it kept getting worse. The reddness was about as big as a golf ball, swollen, and hot. My work sent me home. I just came back from urgent care, with a percription for antibotics. There was an absess being created and if I didn't get the antibotics they would have had to cut out all the dead tissue. I should be fine in 10 days. When I got to Urgent Care I felt stupid for going there with just a bug bite when there are people there with major problems, but I am glad that I spent the time to go.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! That is so crazy. Do you know what caused the complications?
