As advertised, I am reading more since school ended for the summer. I just finished So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish, it is the fourth book in the Douglas Adams series that I have been reading. I think this might be my favorite in the series, but I will get back to you after I read the last one. There is not much that I can add to what I have said in previous posts about Douglas Adams and his brilliant writing.
I have often thought that I should add a synopses in my posts about the books that I have read, but honestly that wouldn't do any book justice. There is so much more to get out of a book then a summary. It has more to do with where you are at when you read a book. Not just location, but place in life. I never have the same experience when I read a book again and I am sure that I would have a different experience than you reading the same book. All that I can do by posting this is perhaps giving you a glimpse of what I have been pondering about lately and maybe give someone an idea of some good books to check out themselves.