Saturday, September 19, 2009

Research Paper

For my writing class I have to write a 20 page research paper. The paper is going to be written throughout the semester, so it shouldn't be too hard.  But by next week we have to turn in our topic for the paper.  It can be written on anything and I am drawing a huge blank.  I can't think of anything that I want to research enough to write a 20 page paper about. Does anybody have any ideas?  I will take any suggestions good or bad. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when professors don't give you any direction at all! For my writing classes, I usually picked something recreational that interests me and tried to make it sound intellectual ;) For instance, I love books and movies: so I wrote a paper about film adaptations of novels and whether they influence readership of the source material (threw in some topics about whether reading was on the decline, etc.)

    Maybe you could write something based off of the "These is My Words" series you've read. Something about its historical accuracy and women on the frontier?
